More About the Author "bbrendon78"

Author Nick: bbrendon78

Articles by bbrendon78 :

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About how much do I need to weigh?

In a world surrounded by different body structure, we tend to wonder what should be the ideal weight for us. So how drastically must I weigh? It has been a common question we often heard from different individuals who are eager to know the desirable weight to maintain a healthy body. As time goes by, […]

Precisely how for you to get rid of extra tummy fat

If you don’t have any time to exercise, I bet you have all the time in the world to eat all you want and be fat? I’m pretty sure this is easier than anything else. Being fat has the tendency to hear negative comments. It is a common impression that people get fat out of […]

Best technique to get rid of weight

Can you accept the fact of seeing yourself physically in front of a mirror? Well, it will be good if you can say yes but for those who will give no as an answer is truly heartbreaking. This is the reason why we still have group of people who are in search for the fastest […]

Power burned walking

Have you ever thought that all could have existed lighter? Have you ever wanted that for once you can fly? Gravity is just designed to keep us stay on the ground. And so, we have now the luxury to walk wherever we want to go on earth but not like when we are in the […]

Energy burned walking

Walking is a healthy form of exercise that we have known for ages long. It is hassle-free and can remove a superb portion of calories too. As humans, we learn to walk few months when we were born and we are not fully aware that it plays an important role in losing calories. But then, […]