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Insurance for Your Children

Insurance for children is not something that is taken very seriously and this is because the threat and risk involved is minimal. It is often thought of as an after-thought or an add-on investment by most adults. So the bone of contention here is, do children need to be insured or is it something one […]

Accidents Come Unannounced

It is an unfair and unreliable world today. Accidents are a major cause of death. Every year we see hundreds of thousands of otherwise healthy people dying in freak accidents. Can we prevent this? No. Accidents and accidental deaths are not in our hands to control. Except being more cautious, there is nothing more a […]

529 plans is not the best when it comes to financial aid

It’s all very good to begin with. A 529 plan provides you with tax-deferred opportunities to save up for your child’s education. The initial deposit you make in a 529 account comes from your pocket that is your income tax paid dollars. But, the money you thus invest in a 529 plan grows tax-deferred through […]

Fifty is no bar for life insurance

There are many who still need life insurance even after they’ve reached an advanced age. The most common reason is that, people who have taken Term life insurance policies will be rendered without coverage after the completion of the term by which time they will obviously be above fifty years of age. Term policies are […]

Medical Exam is not a necessity for insurance

No Medical Exam life insurance seems to be a strange term for anyone. While some tend to think Life Insurance with no medical exam is some kind of a marketing trick, others give it a thought when they are in two minds about getting insurance. Having no life insurance policy is no excuse for any […]