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Whole life insurance explored

Whole life insurance is insurance as we know it and it covers a person’s death for however long he lives. Whole life insurance is a more guaranteed form of life insurance and is thus more costly than the term life policy which only runs for a particular amount of time. So, if there is a […]

Understanding Term Life insurance quote

Term life insurance quotes are available online, we all know that. All we have to do is fill up a form and a term quote lands in your email in no time. But, considering the number of term quote providers out there, there is the question of ‘which ones can you trust?’ And rightly so, […]

Understanding long term care insurance

“Old age may seem a long way off. But on the day it doesn’t, it will be too late to do anything about it.” Sooner or later, we all need help. While we age, our wisdom increases but our body decays. All over America, tens of thousands of people need regular professional care. Though it […]

Save on Life Insurance Premiums: Go Vegetarian

Vegetarians are rare, vegetarians have fewer options in food, vegetarians are healthy, vegetarians get cheaper insurance. You heard that right. Insurance companies are now coming to terms with the fact that vegetarians have more life expectancy and are less prone to chronic diseases, heart problems and are also more resistant to cancer. Life insurance premiums […]

College or retirement? Don’t choose one, accommodate both

You know you have a hard choice to make in front of you when you are deciding whether to save for your child’s college education or your own retirement. Only the best for my children—isn’t it the motto of every parent, after all? Especially, the parents who had a hard time funding their own education […]