More About the Author "benson_browns"

Author Nick: benson_browns
Name: benson brown
About the Author: i am an author

Articles by benson_browns :

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The best exclusive cars of this century

If you’re one of those people who drive around in a car which looks identical to that of your neighbour it’s easy to start dreaming of owning a million pound supercar nobody else can match. But unless your name is Jay Kay or Chris Evans, like the rest of us, you’re left with the dream. […]

2011 Wimbledon Tennis tournament

I couldn’t believe I will be going to an event that I have only dreamt of going to; it’s an event that celebrates the start of the 2011 Wimbledon Championships. I managed to win two tickets to the event on a radio game show last week, when the radio presenter said I had won; I […]

Financial forecasts for Nissan

The recent Earthquakes and Tsunami in Japan have left many Japanese car makers in trouble. A lot of parts, body panels and engines for manufacturers like Toyota and Honda are produced in Japan and then shipped over here. Unfortunately the natural disaster has left a massive back log which the suppliers are struggling to fulfil. […]

Cheaper brakes by Fiat

The Fiat Group has launched a new range of cheaper original brake products (OEM). The Fiat Group dealer network including the Fiat dealer in Kent has unveiled a range of brake products designed to be cheaper and more affordable while still maintaining the OEM integrity and durability. The new range of products includes brake pad […]

Britain’s Got Talent

The Britain’s Got Talent winners Diversity were overjoyed to receive their new Ford Galaxy as the tour support vehicle. The group formed in 2007 as Swift Moves, and won the Street Dance Weekend 2007 competition in their first year together. Before deciding to enter Britain’s Got Talent in 2009, the group changed their name to […]