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LED thermal substrate technology trend analysis – 915nm Diode Laser K91S02F-10.0

1 Introduction     With the rising awareness of global environmental protection, energy saving has become the trend. LED industry is one of the industries most attention in recent years. Development so far, LED product has energy saving, energy saving, high efficiency, fast response time, long cycle life, and do not contain mercury, environmental benefit … and […]

Humble face of the "get credit" cultural need to practice hands in the

"Speak, live like white, but does not mean that the eyes of others, will be treated as white." In a predominantly white company working hard for many Chinese, and perhaps have such feelings. Why no matter how hard, the top management is to see, and even merits being away things happen. Now researchers also found […]

Ninetowns said Dr. Xiaowei Chen, outgoing professional managers has been complet

5 17 AP, Ninetowns yesterday Dr. Xiaowei Chen, president of the formal end of a two-year Ninetowns career, for the way forward, Dr. Xiaowei Chen, thanking the media for their concern, did not express too many opinions. This year on March 19, Ninetowns said Dr. Xiaowei Chen, two years after the expiry of the contracts […]

Games to promote children logical reasoning – red diode laser module 690nm – 785

Age :1-1 ½ This age children start to be a mature sense of space, to know "on" and "down" means, on the hide and seek game is not interested. They have been able to distinguish between some of the salient features of objects, adults should do more to guide their children to observe things and […]

EMS giant beneficial up to strong LED joint Fudan University – Laser Diode K78S0

According to media widely reported that the "emerging strategic industries" 12 5 "plan" is expected to be completed in August the first draft. It is reported that the first draft of new industries on the strategic direction will be refined into 11 industries. New Energy and Industrial Development Planning as a strategic emerging industries, much […]