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Birth Exclusive How to end President Obama’s Citizenship Debate

The issue about the Barack Obama birth certificate has been going on for years now. Ever since he first came onto the scene, skeptics have been asking for a real, authentic certificate proving that he is in fact an American citizen.There are a few reasons for this. For one thing, many people just want to […]

Birth Discusses What’s going on with Obama’s Birth!?!

When suspicion or doubt enters anywhere, neither ever leaves; when confidence or trust leave, neither ever returns! Those are wise and true aphorisms from the past – more than ever true today, in a world where slick, self-indulgent materialism and smoke-and-mirror subterfuge have replaced boy-scout morality. Even TV Host Chris Mathews (of “I felt a […]

Birth Debate Uncovers the Truth How To Find Obama’s Birth Certificate, ending the controversy

With all of the Donald Trump controversy about Obama’s birth certificate, there are certain facts which the genealogist should be aware of when seeking copies. First of all, to apply for a copy you need to be a relative. I have had no difficulty stating that I was the granddaughter or even great-granddaughter and receiving […]

Birth Date Debate Presents Contributing Opinion: Obama and his Citizenship as told through Jeopardy

Wednesday night my wife was flipping through the channels while I was diligently working on some website updates and our daughter was busy, well, being an eighteen month old and causing general havoc in preparation for her Wednesday night bath. When to what did my wife??Ts eyes and my ears draw our attention to? None […]

Certificate of Live Birth Debate Is Obama Really an AMERICAN President?

here’s Marie Osmond again. Good grief, she’s still wearing the same clothes she had on in her last Jenny Craig commercial.?? She must smell like the devil.?? How does she– Oh!-Uh, sorry. The field of contenders for Public Idiot Number One continues to widen.?? ??Republican Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama recently pretended to think that […]