More About the Author "Peter McKiel"

Author Nick: Peter McKiel
Name: Peter McKiel

Articles by Peter McKiel :

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Top Buying Tips for Computer Virus Protection

With malware threats escalating to an outrageous degree (sadly this is fact, not scaremongering), it’s more important than ever to take virus protection for your computing devices seriously. This is especially crucial now that we are all increasingly conducting our daily activities online, meaning our personal details are electronically up for grabs like never before. […]

Network Security Risks to Watch Out For in 2012

Networks, in other words a collection of computing devices that are interconnected to allow for sharing of resources and information, have come under increasing cyber attacks over the past few years. The problem is that once a single computer is hacked, it generally compromises the Internet security of the rest of the computers that are […]

Your Guide to the Three Most Crucial Computer Safeguards

It’s rather alarming how many new and nefarious malware attacks are making the rounds these days – this is fact rather than fear mongering unfortunately. The following guide will explain the three most important measures you can take to keep your computer free of malware infection. Firewalls A firewall is your first point of defence […]

Important Web Basics Affecting Your Computer Security

Without a doubt, malware is here to stay. And with our increasing dependence on computing devices and the Internet to run our lives, it’s essential to have the right know-how to keep your personal information protected. This guide series will explore some basic yet important Web terms to better enable you to keep your computer […]

Essential Guide to Protecting Your Smartphone Against Malware

Mobile phone malware attacks are alarmingly on the up. These days, to prevent your personal information from being hacked, it’s becoming just as crucial to buy antivirus software to secure your smartphone as with your computer. The main route that cyber criminals use to gain access to an unsuspecting user’s phone is through downloading apps. […]