More About the Author "Peter McKiel"

Author Nick: Peter McKiel
Name: Peter McKiel

Articles by Peter McKiel :

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Easy Guide on How to Install Antivirus Software

Malware is easier to produce and cleverer at finding ways into computers than ever before. And just as with biological viruses, their virtual counterparts are in a constant state of mutation, making it harder for companies to develop security patches to block them. The potential for damage by viruses and other malicious code can be […]

Your Guide to the Top Computer Safety Mistakes

The downside of advancing technology is that it opens doorways for cyber criminals to infect your computer with malware. These days, you’ll need to do more than simply install anti virus software if you want to keep protected. The following guide will describe the main online mistakes that will leave you wide open to malware […]

Top Advice to Ensure Effective Antivirus Software

Computing malware is an ever increasing threat unfortunately, and it often seems that cyber criminals are one step ahead when it comes to thinking up new ways to dupe the public. What’s more, the interconnection of devices makes it easier than ever for viruses to spread like wild fire and without your knowledge. The following […]