More About the Author "BobRann"

Author Nick: BobRann
Name: Bob Rann
About the Author: Bob is an expert in just about everything, if you have a few spare moments of time, then I strongly recommend you take an interest in what Bob has to offer. Thanks for your time.

Articles by BobRann :

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Why Your Involvement with Your Business Blog Matters

The entire approach to what you are doing changes completely when you start a business blog. It takes some work to get your money making blog off to a good start, but we have some great info to help you do that. No matter what kind of business blog you run, it would be in […]

Proven Steps To Gaining More Facebook Page Likes

If you can market and increase exposure for your Facebook Page, then you will see the real power with this method. Today we will cover how you achieve that so you can increase your Page Likes and be a rock star. What you will do with your Page at Facebook is expose your brand and […]

Acquiring Optimal Results by Making the Best Use of PPC ROI

If you are a PPC marketer, the number one goal on your list should be to get a high return on investment for your PPC campaign. You need to be knowledgeable about the particular campaigns that are bringing in the cash and the ones you should get rid of. This can only be accomplished when […]

Effectively Outsourcing Your Graphic Design

Getting the right graphics designed for your website by a designer is all about knowing who you’re outsourcing your work to and your approach to it. There are tons of things to decide upon when you are trying to pick out the best graphics designer and deal with the details just before handing off your […]

Helping Your Customers to Give You Great Testimonials

Testimonials can have a powerful affect on your target audience and help you convert more of them into customers. People want to believe a product will work for them before they invest their hard earned money into it, which is why testimonials work so well in reassuring them. However, one problem that online marketers often […]