More About the Author "BookGenie"
Author Nick: BookGenie
Name: Book Genie
About the Author: BookGenie is one of the renowned solution providers in content management and content transformation pre publishing services. Publishers and online libraries get the best support for the services like e publishing, digital typesetting, data conversion, content management solutions, DTD development, scanning and imaging. BookGenie provides best support in forms processing, OCR capture, digital imaging, data mining, ebook conversion, epub conversion, online book publishing and journal publishing.
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Articles by BookGenie :
06.22.11 | Comments Off on Different models for epublishing
The digital world has changed the game of publishing and most publishers are finding it hard to cope with the change that has happened. However, every change throws up an opportunity, and those who are creative enough to seize the opportunity end up winning. The thing with the digital world is that you are not […]
04.06.11 | Comments Off on APIs- the game changer for publishers
Everybody can be seen talking about the numerous advantages that ebooks bring to the table; how they are more accessible, easy to carry and more environment friendly compared to the print version. And understandably, publishers are slowly embracing ebooks and the whole scenario of digital publishing. E-books may have cut down on their margins, but […]
02.03.11 | Comments Off on Wondering about NIMAS and DAISY conversions?
When these words come to your mind it is obvious to wonder what they are. What is NIMAS Conversion? NIMAS is the proposed format which will facilitate the provision of accessible, alternate format versions of print textbooks to PreK-12 students with disabilities. What is DAISY Conversion? DAISY which commonly known as Digital Accessible Information System […]