More About the Author "bookheroau"

Author Nick: bookheroau
Name: Ben David
About the Author: The author is associated with Book Hero. Book Hero is an online book rental service provider offering college and university textbook for rent in Australia. They offer a cost effective way of getting textbooks for a wide array of subjects.

Articles by bookheroau :

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Saving Money by Renting College Textbooks

Higher study nowadays has become very expensive. University or college fees, hostel or dorm charges, and food costs have gone higher unexpectedly resulting in a big hole in limited budget of students. In addition to these expenses, the need for expensive college textbooks increases the worries of students. They need to find a way to […]

Credible Way of Getting University Textbooks

The concept of online book rental is quickly become popular because of online advancements and initiatives of online book rental stores. Online book rental stores have started the trend of providing unlimited number of books renting through online means, benefitting the university students and societies. Now, university students can issue as many books as they […]