More About the Author "BradleyBluesky"

Author Nick: BradleyBluesky

Articles by BradleyBluesky :

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Infidelity Recovery – Top Tips

Infidelity is very common in most marriages. At some point in marriage life, temptations and opportunities usually arise; leading to one partner having an affair with another person outside of marriage. In this case, you need to address the problem early on in order to save your relationship with your spouse and start the process […]

Infidelity Help – Finding Help on Cheating Spouse

If you begin to suspect that your spouse is cheating on you then you better get some infidelity help in order to address the issue early on and save your marriage. Take note that surveys conducted revealed that about 15% of wives and 25% of husbands cheat on their spouses at some point in life. […]

Husband Had One Night Stand – Vital Tips for Wives

If you learn that your husband had one night stand, what is the first thing that you are going to do? Obviously, you will end up crying in pain, in anger, hatred, and whatever emotion that you have. What your husband just did is such an illicit act of betrayal on you; causing you such […]

Husband Had Affair with Friend – What You Should Do

It is going to be very devastating if your husband had affair with friend; however, this infidelity issue is very common in many marriages, and a lot of couples were able to successfully overcome the problem and preserved their marriages. Hence, do not be too depressed that you are going to lose him for good […]

Husband Had Affair with Colleague – Killer Tips

A lot of wives are asking what to do if husband had affair with colleague. This is quite complicated question since the best answer depends on case to case basis. However, generally men tend to involve in an illicit affair with another person outside of marriage just because they want to have fun; or it […]