More About the Author "bravodenniel"

Author Nick: bravodenniel
Name: Bravo Denniel
About the Author: Working as technical executive, I am fully responsible for providing technical support to our customers.

Articles by bravodenniel :

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Fix Microsoft Office Crash Errors with clean installation

It has been a long time since I am using Microsoft Office.  It helps me in making my work faster and quicker. I still remember those days when all the work was done on papers and was hard to maintain them. Microsoft with the release of Office suite has made my life easy and work […]

Dell Troubleshooting

Dell is a one of the leading manufacturer of computers and computer spare parts. Dell was started by Michael Dell. With this article we want you to learn how to recover your Dell computer to work again once the operating system is corrupt. We would request you to consult Dell Support because some Dell computers […]

Adobe Reader has updated to Adobe Reader X now

Adobe Reader is the global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. It’s the only PDF file viewer that can open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia. With over one billion downloads, you’ve heard of (and more than likely used) Adobe Reader to view PDF documents, […]

10 reasons why I like Windows 7

A quick & better desktop : Windows 7 gets you around your PC faster than ever before. The taskbar has large buttons and full-sized previews and you can pin programs to it for one-click access. Jump Lists provide shortcuts to files, folders, and websites. And Snap, Peek, and Shake give you easy (and fun) new ways […]

Flash Player is most widely distributed piece of software on the web.

Flash has become synonymous with animation on the Internet. It’s even possible that it is now the most widely distributed piece of software on the Internet-ahead of Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, and Real Player. In 2001, Flash was through five versions at Macromedia-and it still has much of the code that was written for pen […]