More About the Author "BraynTesko784"

Author Nick: BraynTesko784

Articles by BraynTesko784 :

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Is Your Shower Hurting Your Health

Why would anyone want to put a shower filter in their bath? Isn’t a shower a clean, safe experience? According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), taking a shower with city tap water can cause health problems since chemicals like chlorine can enter your lungs and skin from the shower.Scientists understand that chemicals like […]

Health Savings Accounts and Chiropractic Care

The healthcare industry in the United States is dominated by the culture of conventional Western medicine. And health insurance caters to those who control the industry: medical doctors and hospitals. There is a long history of prejudice against chiropractic by medical doctors, which is one reason that chiropractic care is not often covered by health […]

Health Benefits Of Parsley

Parsley is perhaps one of the most commonly used but therapeutically under-rated of herbs. How often one sees a dish in a restaurant garnished with parsley, and the waiter leaves the parsley on the serving dish or the customer rejects it as mere decoration.Parsley contains more vitamin C than any other standard culinary vegetable, with […]

Health Care Administration Education Options

The delivery of healthcare is a business and certain levels of administrative duties need to be carried out for it to run smoothly. The services provided by a medical facility are specific and students can study to be a part of the industry by entering higher education. Students can work through multiple degree levels to […]

Health and Fitness Tips – Staying Motivated

At the start of every new year many people start a new campaign to get in the best shape of their lives and although the intention is real enough, in reality many give up before the first month has even passed. So why is this the case? Maybe you can relate to this yourself. It […]