More About the Author "BrianTerrace"

Author Nick: BrianTerrace
Name: Brian Terrace
About the Author: Brian Terrace is a business consultant and shares his views on effective management of data and other integral aspects of business through his publications. He recommends the use of Microsoft hosted CRM for proper customer relationship management.

Articles by BrianTerrace :

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Office SharePoint and its Applications

SharePoint applications comprise a number of customisations which together can fulfil the needs of the customer and the specific market for which it is used. An application includes a combination of workflows, content, event handlers, web parts and all other types of technologies. SharePoint capabilities are one of the key aspects of SharePoint Functionality. Developers […]

Using the SharePoint Platform to Maximise Business Returns

Though the market for IT professionals may appear to be a difficult one, the same cannot be said about SharePoint developers. Industry experts believe that the amount of business activity centered on Microsoft SharePoint applications and its associated features are increasing continuously. They have to work on a number of applications as part of their […]

Management of Diverse Projects through Integrated Technologies

Microsoft SharePoint is a software platform that provides the necessary support for content management systems, blogs, search engines, tools of business intelligence and web applications. It helps diverse businesses to share the necessary information with different members of the organisation, with the rest of the team and therefore help them to work more efficiently. It […]

Using Effective Customer Management Tools

CRM or customer relationship management tools are designed to meet the demands of customer service, achieve sales targets and increase the profitability of the businesses. There are several businesses that find it difficult to explain the investments in similar applications but these are required when you are short of in-house technical resources. For such organisations, […]