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Information Security – An Important Business Imperative

With the growth in an enterprise, there is an increase in the requirement for global information exchange amongst employees, suppliers, partners and customers. As the information gets broadly distributed, the threats to the confidentiality, reliability and accessibility of this information multiply greatly. A company’s information security must be effectively integrated and aligned with the corporate […]

Reasons to Consider a BYOD Strategy

BYOD also known as Bring Your Own Device has been a latest buzzword in the IT landscape. However, prior to implementing it is essential to understand the reason behind supporting it. Most common BYOD business objectives revolve around minimizing mobile expenses or enhance the overall organization productivity or perhaps both. In the recent times, many […]

Advantages of BYOD – Bring Your Own Device

Consumerization of IT is the latest trend that has taken the IT world by storm. It refers to the growing tendency for devices, gadgets, and systems to emerge in the consumer market and then spread to business and government organizations. Consumerization is a major IT industry shift, since earlier technology-based products had their origin in […]

Service Integration Bus for ALM tool integration

The aggressive competitive business environment and demands from techno savvy customers for improved applications challenges the abilities of the IT professionals and the Information technology at large. To meet the ever-growing demands, large corporates make use of the globalized work environment for developing applications. With applications teams working from different locations and different time zones, […]

IBM Consulting Services & Customizing Applications

Many businesses use IBM Optim Solutions to manage their enterprise application data; however, when using IBM Optim Solutions, it is best to find a consultant that can assist and support your business during implementation. After all, many businesses will use IBM Optim with their own custom applications and will need assistance during the process. In IBM Optim implementation, […]