More About the Author "bsummers"

Author Nick: bsummers
Name: Belinda Summers
About the Author: Sales and Marketing Consultant specializing in appointment setting and lead generation through telemarketing

Articles by bsummers :

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How to Identify Telemarketing Fraud

Like all companies operating in the market today, the risk of encountering business fraud is very real. One wrong decision can create a huge setback in the operations of a company. It is an issue that a lot of businesses are concerned about. This can create a huge problem for businesses that are looking for […]

Can You Get Warm B2B Leads With A Lead Generation Service Provider?

For many entrepreneurs, the biggest challenge that they would have to face would be about generation a lot of good B2B sales leads. This is a very important goal, especially if they are after expanding their business operations. It is one asset that they cannot go without. If we consider the lingering effects of the […]

Why Should You Outsource To An Offshore Telemarketing Company?

The US is still suffering economically, even though years that have gone by. Jobs are still scarce for a lot of people. There are companies have to close down. Business can be very slow, with people spending less. For firms who want to stay in business, they will need enough B2B leads. To get sufficient […]

The Core of Lead Generation Via Telemarketing

One of the ideal methods on how to generate sales is by way of lead generation via telemarketing. This is a process in marketing intended for sales prospects that are interested in purchasing the goods and/or services of a brand. By way of cold calling, these sales leads are then screened in order to establish […]

How To Make More Hot B2B Leads Through B2B Lead Generation Services

Of the various things that can cause a lot of headaches in the business world, it has to be with regards to competition. And this is a factor that can have serious effects in your company. One of the main reasons why your business might have a hard time selling is due to the fact […]