More About the Author "candyugg"

Author Nick: candyugg
Name: candy moncler
About the Author: i like ugg boots fashion.

Articles by candyugg :

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The fall of a person, or depraved generation?

from the son of Li Shuangjiang newspapers apparent in the media back the assault incident, Li Shuangjiang name on and Li Gang, Wang Jun, Lu Junqing affronted into “domestic four acclaimed father,” getting a fuss … … Honestly, I abhorrence the byword “my dad is Li,” abhorrence our country are accumulative the adverse social. But […]

I think we should correctly understand the “Low.”

China has recently repeated harassment in the international arena, there is no strong response and action, being caught again and again passive. Some people say that China should “low profile” and create a peaceful environment, economic development, enhance strength.        I think we should correctly understand the “Low.”      “Low” with the “dominate” the corresponding. China claims […]

“Low” is not a swallow

China has recently repeated harassment in the international arena, there is no strong response and action, being caught again and again passive. Some people say that China should “low profile” and create a peaceful environment, economic development, enhance strength.        I think we should correctly understand the “Low.”      “Low” with the “dominate” the corresponding. China claims […]