More About the Author "celina1"

Author Nick: celina1
Name: celina thomos
About the Author: I am a student.

Articles by celina1 :

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Get rid of the Søvnløshed

Some of our bad habits which adversely affect our personality and also our health such as nails biting, taking alcohol, jealousy, negative thoughts, smoking, shyness, Søvnløshed etc. All these habits are commonly seen in any one. Actually it is not true to call all these as a habit, because it should be termed as addictions. […]

Is it really possible to get rid of flyskræk?

Whenever we see birds flying in the air then the desire of flying like them in the blue sky occurs in us also. Because of this desire only, the invention of airplanes came of existence. Now because of its invention, human being can also fly in the sky like birds but what about those who […]

How and from where to purchase hammock

The craze of Hammock is increasing rapidly among all. Not only kids, but youngsters and adults also like to spend some time swinging on it. Besides it, Hammock serves one more purpose that is it gives appealing look to wherever we hang it. Even some people hang it just to enhance the look of their […]

Give a dream world to your kids with playhouses

Playing makes the kids forget the whole world. They just don’t want any kind of disturbance while playing. They like to play in their own way where no one is there to restrict them for anything. Kids love to feel like a king and for this they likes to have their kingdom. Keeping in mind […]

About shelters of rabbit and guinea pig

If you have rabbits or guinea pigs then to provide them shelter to ensure their safety and protection should be your first priority. Some people keep them in open in their farm but it is not at all safety to keep them there. So just bring guinea pig hutches even before you bring your little […]