More About the Author "centered"

Author Nick: centered
Name: william taylor
About the Author: I

Articles by centered :

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Icentered Building Trust and Privacy of Users

What is Icentered? Icentered means the individual user is at the center, with the wheel in their hands, a personal vantage point on a web that is personalized, trusted, contextualized, private and safe ā€“ a truly user centered web. Icentered view on trust can be summarized as; Icentered focuses on trust, privacy and new web […]

People Getting Closer to World Wide Web with Google

A number of guys at Google acquired a great concept. Let us create a series of videos that will help our parents to use the web. They launched a site that empowers people to teach their grown up parents how to use the web. It is a great step in helping older people to overcome […]

Web Ecology Based on Authenticity

Ecology is usually associated with our physical world. It has been extended to corporate ecology that looks at organizational culture and the interrelations between its components, its business and profit making mechanisms and the human aspects of its operations. Ecologically means thinking user friendly, the well being of all the participants, the environment and the […]

Icentered – A User Centered Web Paradigm

Icentered is a personalized vantage point on the web, a user centered web paradigm that redefines a new pact of relations with our digital surroundings. Where to providers it is a flat world, opportunities are global and digital users are everywhere, this novel paradigm places a big personal ā€œIā€ in the middle ā€“ for each […]