More About the Author "certifiedclinics"

Author Nick: certifiedclinics
Name: Tomer Ryder
About the Author: I am a professional Seo and online marketer.

Articles by certifiedclinics :

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Social Media and your Business

The best part about digital marketing is its measurability. One can easily get the number of people who came on your website, count one’s fans, followers and even measure the conversion rate of one of your campaigns. It was not really possible in the pre digital era. How could you really measure how many people […]

Writing Content for your Website

Your website is the face of your business in this age and content is the means to communicate and pass your message to your customers. While writing content for your website you have to be very sure about the usage of the words in the content. There will be a lot of people who will […]

Using Social Media for your Business

Although the field of Social Media is now flourishing is being collectively cast as “online marketing”, I still see some questionable practices whereby a company has marketed themselves (sometimes synchronised) collectively on the big networks, rather than tailor each strategy. The issue with this is that you’re only appealing to one market at a time, […]

The Skype Deal causing a social Media tornado

Skype has redefined the way people communicated all around the world although running in losses yet the deal between Microsoft and Skype was watched all around the world with awe and surprise. With the big titans clashing head on to expand their market share in the digital world this deal is surely going to be […]

Social Technology: A blow to Retail

Walking through one of Queensland’s busiest shopping centre just last week, on a school holiday on ‘late night’ trade, I came to notice a trend that may scare traditional retailers (although they’re probably aware of it already). What was noticed is that traditional retailers haven’t changed in years – but their customers have. Although there […]