More About the Author "certifiedclinics"

Author Nick: certifiedclinics
Name: Tomer Ryder
About the Author: I am a professional Seo and online marketer.

Articles by certifiedclinics :

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Stock Market and Twitter the information Exchange

There has been much talk about twitter changing and being the trendsetter for many trends. We have seen quite a few trends in the market which were affected and controlled by twitter. It can also be used by intelligent marketing gurus to sway the market in a direction that is most beneficial to them. Predicting […]

Choice of right Keywords for your Website

Once you have decided to have a website of your own you have to make sure that there is enough traffic on your website to make your goals meet for which you have launched the website. The best option would be to bring in visitors via organic search. To come up on the top slots […]

Digital and Social Media for General Practitioners

The exercise of going paperless in the Healthcare industry had started a long time back when Medical Transcription was introduced to keep a digitalized record of all patients for future use and reference to be used by new and emerging medical practitioners. This has been further elevated with centralization of data and accessing it worldwide. […]

Social media the future of B2B and B2C Sales

If you’re not on Twitter, you’re not part of any useful conversation, and that’s becoming more and more of a fact. Even when it comes to SEO, a presence on Twitter helps you astronomically, as well as appearing in Google’s Real-time results. Evidently, Twitter contains a LOT of noise, from many different brands, but within […]

Social Buying in Australia: What Works and What Doesn’t

The change is so devastating to traditional retail, that bankruptcy and severe backlash is now common-place in many of the brands we (used to) know and love. So how is the Australian social buying market different to the rest of the world? Our population is one of the main reasons why Groupon will leave our […]