More About the Author "charen"

Author Nick: charen
Name: charen smith
About the Author: Charen Smith is a writer who constantly writes about the progress in color printing technology and Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.

Articles by charen :

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Custom Business Cards: Making you Presentable in Front of Target Customers

The question most business owners ask themselves is how they can make their business noticed in the market? How can they make their business different? Well, they need not look further as their business cards may hold the answer. No matter how the market industry changes, the good old business cards will remain an important […]

Gaining Advantage over Competitions with Bookmark Printing

Despite what other business owners claim that print marketing is dead, you have to understand that a huge percentage of your target customers won’t rely on web marketing the whole time. This is why it is important that you realize the importance of print marketing in your business. If you don’t include printed materials in […]

How to Start with your Own Custom Bookmarks

For quite some time now, print marketing has been left in the corner never to be used again by business owners and professionals. The Internet and e-communication has been the fad. A lot of businesses today focus purely on online marketing when communicating with their customers and prospects. It seems that print marketing is dead. […]

Marketing with a Bang through Presentation Folder Printing

Let’s say you have an important business presentation to make. If it goes well, you could be winning plenty of potential customers that will bring more sales and profits to your business. The first thing you need to think about is making a good first impression. When people see you, they should immediately find you […]

Presentation Folder Printing: Making a Strong First Impression

Everyday you meet someone new, which later on can be your new boss or perhaps your new customer. Upon that first meeting, the person makes snap judgments about you: Are you someone trustworthy? Do you look like someone professional and credible? These judgments are often made at lightning speed, mostly in just a span of […]