More About the Author "charen"

Author Nick: charen
Name: charen smith
About the Author: Charen Smith is a writer who constantly writes about the progress in color printing technology and Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.

Articles by charen :

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How to Design Flyers that Gets Noticed

If you have been so used to using email, social media, and online marketing these days, you know how saturated the market has become. More and more businesses are using these strategies, leaving little room to get noticed. Understand though that getting recognized and staying memorable is an important attribute in business. If people don’t […]

Why a Good Brand Identity is Crucial to Business Success

Your brand identity is the main thing that will make your business recognizable and memorable to people. It will show people that your business is stable and credible, making it easy for them to trust your business. To help with your brand identity, you need to have a good logo, business card, and envelope. You […]

What to Consider in Creating your Poster Design and Layout

As a business owner, you know that it’s not easy to come up with an attractive and compelling design for your marketing materials. If you are not a graphic designer, the task can be more difficult for you. You know that you have to create a design that is visually appealing, touches on your customers’ […]

Getting Posters that Bring Results

Wouldn’t it be great if you can get people to act on your marketing campaign right away? That would assure you good sales and profits that would keep your business afloat despite economic difficulties. Now, that would require you to use a material that will relay your message to your target audience in a memorable […]

Business Card Printing: Making the Other Side Interesting

Have you attended a business event or tradeshow and noticed that while people were taking your neighbor’s business cards your own cards were left sleeping on your table? Just what made the other cards more interesting than your own business card printing? Why don’t you take one of your cards and look at it . […]