More About the Author "charen"

Author Nick: charen
Name: charen smith
About the Author: Charen Smith is a writer who constantly writes about the progress in color printing technology and Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.

Articles by charen :

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Cheap Advertising Ideas

In need of a marketing strategy that won’t cost a fortune? You don’t need to look hard. There are a lot of strategies today that will help promote your business without breaking the bank. In most cases, handing out a business card, coupon, or free sample don’t cost extra. If considering printed marketing materials, availing […]

Stationery Design: Bringing in the Designer

When you want to guarantee that your marketing campaign is effective, you need to come up with impressive materials. To some business owners this would be a challenging job. You would need to be creative and imaginative in order to create interesting and attention-grabbing materials. If you don’t have a creative bone in your body, […]

Marketing Ideas: Becoming the Big Fish

From starting as the small fish in the pond, every business aims to be the biggest fish amongst all. But to be the biggest fish, you need to understand the concept of marketing. If in the past, you were led to believe that marketing is simply the process of selling your products or services, you […]

How to Advertise on a Limited Budget

In any business or organization, customers are the most important people. They are the lifeblood of the company to which the success of the business or organization depends so much. But if they don’t know about your business or what kinds of products or services you offer, you would not have as many of them […]

Maximizing the Function of your Flyers

Marketing has one goal: to promote your business and the products or services you offer while increasing visibility. When you market your business, you don’t want your marketing materials to end up in the trash without getting read. You would want your target customers to notice your business and be curious of your offerings. If […]