More About the Author "ChelseaAndrew"

Author Nick: ChelseaAndrew
Name: Chelsea Andrews
About the Author: I specialize in long term care planning and providing senior health tips. I like giving advice to people who are in need of guidance or enlightenment with regards to long term care policy and senior care services. I also enjoy watching foreign films, reading books, meditating and yoga.

Articles by ChelseaAndrew :

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Base Your Policy’s Benefit Amount on the Right Factors

Buying a long term care insurance policy requires consideration for this product’s four major components which are the long term care insurance benefit amount, maximum benefit period, elimination period, and the inflation protection. If you disregard even just one of these components you put your coverage on the line. Before you can determine the variable […]

Tax Deductions for Responsible Long Term Care Planners

Besides accessibility to topnotch long term care services or facilities, planning your future health care needs will also result in big long term care tax deductions. According to financial advisers, long term care (LTC) is the biggest threat to every person’s finances these days and this explains why they along with the government and elder […]

Choosing a Place for the Highest Level of Care

Long term care (LTC) is divided into two types namely custodial care and medical care. One would have many choices for the former as he can receive this at home, in an assisted living facility or in an adult day care health center among others. Now the second one can only be provided in nursing […]

When to Consider Assisted Living Facilities

Senior individuals who are living with their families can perhaps delay the need for assisted living facilities especially if they have someone to cook their meals and take them to the clinic or hospital for their doctor appointments. Once they start to require more than what family members are capable of providing, there is no […]

Greater Demand for Home Care Agencies

Home care agencies are becoming more in demand in the area of senior care as most individuals who require long term care (LTC) prefer to remain in their homes where their loved ones are. In fact, the cost of in-home care in most states is increasing faster than that of skilled care in nursing homes. […]