More About the Author "cherylboswell"

Author Nick: cherylboswell
Name: cheryl boswell
About the Author: I am a former waitress that got going with my fitness and nutrition blog last year.

Articles by cherylboswell :

Sort by: Out Front of the Demands of the Consumer Market with Power Half Hour?

Recently, the people behind P90X at released P90X 2.  As someone who graduated from P90X multiple times, the pending release of part 2 had me excited. The fact is, despite the great variation in P90X with basically 10 different workouts spread out 6 days-a-week over 13 weeks, you don’t mind seeing something new. P90X […]

A Home Workout for all Fitness Levels? Power Half Hour by Tony Horton

When you are talking home fitness workouts, the undisputed king in the last half-decade is without question P90X by Beachbody. As their most recent infomercial discusses, over 4 million people have taken on the 90-day challenge and have seen their bodies transformed via the grueling workout.   You can scan the internet and look high and […]