More About the Author "Clearpath Technology"

Author Nick: Clearpath
Name: Clearpath Technology

Articles by Clearpath Technology :

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Open Access and Sharing

One of the reasons that Web 2.0 is considerably improving the experience for the user is that the emphasis of Web 2.0 is making content highly accessible. Also, Web 2.0 is encouraging sharing among users, further solidifying the social nature of these new Web applications. What Web marketers have discovered over the years is that people […]

Innovative Software

When the term “Web 2.0” was coined, the emphasis of the term wasn’t the Internet or even existing movements on the Internet, but more the software used online that would eventually drive the Web 2.0 movement. Without software, there would be no Web 2.0. New and innovative software is crucial for the development of more […]

Using Google’s Keyword Tool

Google has created a great free, online tool that can help advertisers see what people are searching for online and the related words that they are also using in their searches. In this exercise, the basics of the Google Keyword Tool will be outlined. See For Yourself As a business, if you’re considering using any kind […]

Using a Website as an Info Magnet

Website owners that are not using their sites to collect e-mail addresses should start right away. A website has far more visitors than actual buyers, and the site’s objective should be to convert more and more of those visits into purchases. Remember, visitors don’t just stumble on sites. They end up at a website because […]

Cost Per Impression

Another type of online advertising that doesn’t have much to do with keywords or search engines, but should be noted is cost per impression (CPI) advertising. In CPI, websites that wish to increase their visibility can choose to advertise on various websites. In a CPI relationship, the advertising website agrees to pay the hosting site for ads […]