More About the Author "cpettyx"
Author Nick: cpettyx
Name: Carmen Petty
About the Author: Many of us experience acne breakouts that often times have damaging negative impacts on our self esteem and our lives. Dermatologists are expensive and prescribe you with over priced, general topical solutions that are not always effective for your specific skin condition. In the Acne Skin Care community, it is our mission to provide you with the information you need so that you can make educated decisions about how best to care for your own unique skin conditions. We provide you the tools to take control of your condition and more importantly, take control of your life. For more information visit
Articles by cpettyx :
09.20.11 | Comments Off on Acne Natural Home Remedies
There is no shortage of acne products on the market and all you have to do is go to your local drug store to find a wide selection. But anyone who has dealt with acne for a significant period of time knows how frustrating it can be to find the right products. Furthermore, while some […]
09.20.11 | Comments Off on Types of Acne Lesions
Acne is a skin disorder characterized by plugged pores or pilosebaceous unit. Pilosebaceous units are made up of sebaceous glands (oil glands) and hair follicles in the dermis or middle layer of the skin. There are lots of oil glands in the body but they are concentrated in the nose and cheek areas. The function […]