More About the Author "crisstyles37"

Author Nick: crisstyles37

Articles by crisstyles37 :

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Teaching Kids to Multiply

One of the most difficult and challenging things that you can do with elementary school students is get them to enjoy math. Addition worksheets and subtraction worksheets aren’t what most children want to be doing during their day. Math in basic terms is often all that easy to teach, but when it comes to teaching […]

How To Help Kids With Their Homework

You know how hard it can be sometimes to get your child to do their homework. Their math worksheets sets for homework often prove to be a chore. After all, many children want to escape school as soon as they come home, and forget about it until Monday morning when they have to go back […]

A Great Basic Strategy to Solve All Math Problems

You might be amazed to learn that every math problem you ever encounter on your math worksheets can actually be solved following a few simple basic strategies. Learning how to solve mathematical problems is essentially a matter of knowing what you need to look for. All math problems need to have been based on previously […]

Traits Shared By Great Teachers

Although being an educator of young minds does come with its benefits and rewards, it can also be quite a daunting task knowing that their hopes, dreams and exam grades rest on the quality of your teaching and interaction. Many may fear that they aren’t doing as good a job as they hoped. However, being […]

How to Help Your Child Learn Math

When I first had my son, I never knew what challenges awaited him in this big world. It started with having to overcome diabetes. This was a long and constant process. It took us about 3 years, but now we have it down to a science. He knows exactly what he needs to do and […]