More About the Author "crosbylame"

Author Nick: crosbylame
Name: crosby lame
About the Author: Software Consluting

Articles by crosbylame :

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Web marketing efforts can pay you rich dividends

Internet today has become a medium of mass communication which has a universal appeal with perhaps lowest cost implications for marketing companies. The cost of launching an internet campaigns would be far less then of launching a similar campaign over National Television. The cost of developing the marketing content and price of distributing that content […]

If you are associated with web marketing you must know basics of web designing

Today is the time when most of the commercial establishments are associated with online marketing in some way or the other. Even the companies which do not have their web sites yet go get involved indirectly in marketing their products and services through the World Wide Web. Almost all the companies have their profiles listed […]

Technology partners employee frauds

Technological advancement has been part and parcel of our overall development and efficiency. Tasks which use to take months to complete can be done within few minutes and with far lesser cost and manpower. There is no doubt that technology has made our lives easier but on the other hand it has given more options […]

Simple tips for protecting your business from insider fraud

Every business is full of different kinds of risks. Both internal and external stake holders in the business can commit a fraud which could be detrimental to the growth or even existence of a business. Insiders have lot more knowledge and understanding of a business and thus have an advantage if they intend to commit […]

How Financial Forensics examinations help your business?

Like the law enforcing authority have a specialized team of detectives which go on the crime scene and investigate into the cause and how the crime was caused and nab the culprit, a very similar exercise can also be helpful in your business organization is you suspect any fraud or misappropriations happening and you not […]