More About the Author "damonieheal"

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Name: Damo Nieheal

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Generating Website Traffic is as Easy as Distributing a Banner

You’ve seen them on any storefront when a merchant as something to announce: large banners, bright text, and a concise marketing message for passersby. But they’re not just for offline merchants; it is increasingly important, and lucrative, for online website operators and retailers to use banners ads to their advantage in order to gain visitors […]

Are You In Need Of an AC Repair in Miamai, FL

The high temperatures, the humidity and the salt air take their toll on cooling systems all through the south. The heart of the heat is centered in Miami where high temperatures, high humidity and salt air brought on by its location on the ocean put heavy stresses on an AC unit and subject it to […]

Swimming pools and spas need to be kept crystal clean. No one likes swimming in a dirty pool. Pools can be breeding grounds for algae and bacteria, and debris tends to accumulate in the water if it’s not promptly removed. A lot of work is required to clean a pool. The water has to be […]

Why You Should Use An Aqua Rite Chlorinator

Many different types of germs and bacteria can live in the untreated water of a swimming pool or spa that can cause discoloration, a foul smell and even sickness to those who enter into it. There are several ways to protect your friends and family from these health hazards. Liquid and tablets are the most […]

Keeping Your Pool Algae Free

Anyone who has ever had a pool knows how much money and work can go into its maintenance. You are constantly having to check the Ph and alkalinity levels and add chemicals. Not only is this time consuming, but can be quite expensive as well. Even after you find the perfect combination of chemicals to […]