More About the Author "danielstringer"

Author Nick: danielstringer

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electronics and gadgets camera helmets

A head protector is more than just a piece of head gear. There are various types of helmets for industrial use to sports uses. Beyond protecting the head from work-induced injuries or those from natural hazards, helmets are also worn by applicants in recreational activities and sports. It is a common sight to see jockeys, […]

electronics and gadgets guide to hands free devices

More states and countries start to come down on drivers preoccupied at the wheel of their transport. With so many spruce gadgets to sidetrack the driver police are always on the look out to catch drivers using their mobile phone while the automobile is in motion. Electronics and gadgets seem to run our lives and […]

Hands free Gadgets for use with your mobile devices.

More states and countries start to come down on drivers inattentive at the wheel of their transport. With so many terrific gadgets to mislead the driver police are always on the look out to catch drivers using their mobile phone while the vehicle is in motion. Electronics and gadgets seem to run our lives and […]

electronics and gadgets

As you sit back at home looking around you your surrounded by gadgets and electronics for all purposes, from a kettle to heat your water for a tea, to your IPod to listen to your tunes. But did you ever stop to wonder what happens after its life. That novelty electronic dancing clock that yells […]

Credit crunch busting ideas for Christmas 2010

Find a budget suitable to your income. We all like to shop for them exciting gadgets and gizmos. We love to be spoilt with the best gift ideas that money can buy. But how many of pass through Christmas with money remaining to spend on the Christmas sales. Don’t shop without a budget this year […]