More About the Author "davidchen"

Author Nick: davidchen
Name: david chen
About the Author: fdadfa

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It began as a game of touch

nike shox torch ii jordans for sale Taft’s speed had a life and history of its own, independent of him. To wonder at this past. To understand the speed, that it was something unknown to them, never to be known. Hipwidth. Leglength, Tendon and tibia. Hyperextensibility. But more too: wizardry drawn from wells in black […]

Both my shoelaces were untied

The blanket was gray. The walls were bare except for an inch of transparent tape curling into itself, thumbsmudged, just one corner sticking now, a small light imprint on the wall indicating (to anyone who was interested) exactly how the tape had first been applied, at what angle to the ceiling, at what approximate angle […]

He was sitting on his bed

nike shox torch 2 retro jordans for sale I tried to become singleminded and straightforward, to keep my mind set on one thought or problem until I was finished with it. It was hot and lonely. I wore a lot of clothing to keep the sun from burning me and causing my skin to peel. […]

It no longer has any relevance

“I don’t want to discuss that. It no longer has any relevance. It’s excess baggage. I’m getting rid of it. Go to sleep now, Gary, and try not to snore.” “Do you plan eventually to change your name?” “There’s no need for that. I’ve already reached the point where my name connotes nothing more to […]

Just as much but not as often

nike shox torch gold white cheap retro jordans I didn’t know what kind of hearing the sound possessed. It occurred to me that the sound might possess a very primitive hearing apparatus. I wanted to impress on it the fact that there was somebody on the other side of the wall. The sound might have […]