More About the Author "davidchen"

Author Nick: davidchen
Name: david chen
About the Author: fdadfa

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In one of the fantasy novels he loved

nike shox torch jordans for sale In one of the fantasy novels he loved, Fric had read that ghosts could appear by an act of their own will, but could not long sustain material form if you failed to focus on them, that your wonder and your fear empowered and sustained them. He’d read that […]

what her picture was meant to signify

A cursed amulet, a poultice formulated to draw the immortal soul out of anyone who held it, a voodoo dofunny, a black-magic jiggum-bob, a satanic polywhatsit, or any of the weird and grisly items you might have expected to receive from something that lived inside mirrors would have been less surprising and less mystifying than […]

Both slick and crackled in texture

chanel ceramic watches nike shox torch ii He descended to the ground floor with such headlong momentum that if Cassandra Limone, the actress with the skull-cracking calf muscles, had been exercising on these stairs, Fric could not have avoided knocking her to worse than a broken ankle. Leaping off the last step, he skidded to […]

along the lonely third floor

He sprinted along the end aisle, to the attic stairs, around and down the spiral staircase, feet slamming with such panic-powered force that behind him the metal treads thrummed like drumskins quivering with the memory of thunder. From east hall to north, along the lonely third floor, he quaked as he passed closed doors that […]

he tried in vain to sleep

Just before midnight, Ray found a small mattress in a downstairs bedroom and dragged it into the dining room, to a spot twenty feet from the broom closet, where he could see the front drive and the house next door. Upstairs he found the Judge’s .38-caliber Smith & Wesson in the drawer of his night […]