More About the Author "davidchen"

Author Nick: davidchen
Name: david chen
About the Author: fdadfa

Articles by davidchen :

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you could break the big ones

Julia appeared to be quite used to this kind of conversation, which she called ‘talking by instalments’. She was also surprisingly adept at speaking without moving her lips. Just once in almost a month of nightly meetings they managed to exchange a kiss. They were passing in silence down a side-street (Julia would never speak […]

His paths are never dim

chanel ceramic watches nike shox torch ii When the first person came to the door to invite them in, probably half of them scampered away in fright. Did they expect all that has come? Or would any Christian worker have said, ‘They shall not have a Sabbath-school till they ask it, and believe that it […]

They fought the same doubts

Our prayer-meeting commences at half-past seven. The pastor never allows it to overrun an hour. And it was after eight when he arose to read. He read from the twelth chapter of Acts, the account of Peter’s deliverance from prison. He read it from beginning to end without a comment, and then he spoke substantially […]

For tea had long been waiting

chanel ceramic watches nike shox torch ii "He is in God’s hands," replied the pastor. "God has taken him out of your hands into His own. Leave him there." "Is there then nothing more to be done?" I said. "Yes," said he, "but chiefly prayer." Then after a moment’s pause he added: "I believe, Mr. […]

with the dear boy’s hand fast clasped in his

"Mr. Laicus," said he, "I believe you, but I do not comprehend you. I believe that you have a faith that is worth the having. I would give all I possess or ever possessed to share it with you in this hour. I do not know-I sometimes think it is only a pleasant dream. Would […]