More About the Author "davidchen"

Author Nick: davidchen
Name: david chen
About the Author: fdadfa

Articles by davidchen :

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I don’t wish you to go

coach outlet online coach "No, it wouldn’t be for my sake.  I don’t wish you to go, and wouldn’t let you.  If you should let the Oakville rabble drive you away, I WOULD be in danger, and so would others, for I’d be worse on ’em than an earthquake.  After the lesson they’ve had tonight, […]

I yielded to the temptation to

"Alida, Alida," protested Holcroft, "if it were all to do over again, I’d be a thousand times more–" "Oh, I know, I know!  You are brave and generous and honest.  I saw that much when you first spoke to me.  I yielded to the temptation to secure such a friend.  I was too cowardly to […]

I beg you will post it

"You insist on my posting this letter, Sir Percival?" said Miss Halcombe. "I beg you will post it," he answered. "And now that it is written and sealed up, allow me to ask one or two last questions about the unhappy woman to whom it refers. I have read the communication which Mr. Gilmore kindly […]

drew a chair to it

"I hope, Sir Percival, you don’t do me the injustice to suppose that I distrust you," she said quickly. "Certainly not, Miss Halcombe. I make my proposal purely as an act of attention to YOU. Will you excuse my obstinacy if I still venture to press it?" He walked to the writing-table as he spoke, […]

made under any circumstances

I was the first to speak in answer to this appeal. My own course was plain to me. It is the great beauty of the Law that it can dispute any human statement, made under any circumstances, and reduced to any form. If I had felt professionally called upon to set up a case against […]