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Author Nick: davidchen1
Name: david chen
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but requested him to enter the house for a moment

From Count Malvesi Mr. Falkland immediately proceeded to the palace of Pisani. Here he found considerable difficulty in appeasing the indignation of Lady Lucretia. His ideas of honour would by no means allow him to win her to his purpose by disclosing the cartel he had received; otherwise that disclosure would immediately have operated as […]

My mother was a teacher too

IT WENT ON LIKE THAT for a few weeks. I’d wait until the general went for a stroll, then I’d walk past the Taheris?stand. If Khanum Taheri was there, she’d offer me tea and a kolcha and we’d chat about Kabul in the old days, the people we knew, her arthritis. Undoubtedly, she had noticed […]

Out of the corner of my eye

I’d asked Baba once why General Taheri’s daughter hadn’t married yet. No suitors, Baba said. No suitable suitors, he amended. But he wouldn’t say more–Baba knew how lethal idle talk could prove to a young woman’s prospects of marrying well. Afghan men, especially those from reputable families, were fickle creatures. A whisper here, an insinuation […]

I sensed an unease in her now

I immediately dismissed both scenarios as absurd. Fathers and sons could talk freely about women. But no Afghan girl–no decent and mohtaram Afghan girl, at least–queried her father about a young man. And no father, especially a Pashtun with nang and namoos, would discuss a mojarad with his daughter, not unless the fellow in question […]

I tapped for at least half an hour

“Was I tapping? Was I hitting the wall? I’m sorry, Gary. I didn’t know.” “It’s all right.” “Was I keeping you awake? I’m really sorry. I didn’t know I was doing it.” “It’s all right, Anatole. Really. I just thought I’d mention it. In fact, if you want to keep tapping, if it helps you […]