More About the Author "davidchen1"

Author Nick: davidchen1
Name: david chen
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I about wet my pants when I heard

“We don’t know if she lost or regained consciousness either. I about wet my pants when I heard.” “A lot of times they die without regaining consciousness,” Chester said. “I wonder if she was burned beyond recognition,” Flanders said. “That usually happens in that kind of crash.” John Jessup appeared in the doorway. “What kind […]

at least let me lick the button

“I think the theory is if any words exist beyond speech, they’re probably German words, or pretty close.” “What do I say to people who keep bringing up the untellable?” Howard said. “It’s a threecredit course. It’s a very hard course, no matter how bright you are. And apparently there are field trips. I don’t […]

came in and sat on the desk

She’s on the critical list. I’d prefer to be called Bob from now on. I’ll be a senior next year. I’ve had it with Bobby.” “That’s a damn shame. No, I didn’t hear about that. I didn’t know about that at all. This is the first I’ve heard.” Howard Lowry, Billy’s roommate, came in and […]

I about wet my pants when I heard

“Literally spat upon,” Billy said. “No more. None of it. Never. Not ever again for the rest of your natural days.” “I need the dress. Give me the dress. I have to put my head under the dress.” Bobby Iselin and Bobby Hopper came in. Iselin was still limping from the Centrex game. “Did you […]

and passed something to him

By turns, his experience with the man from the mirror played in memory like a dream but then as real as the smell of his own fear sweat. He felt a need to know what was truth and what was not, perhaps because too much of his life seemed unreal, making it impossible to tolerate […]