More About the Author "davidchen1"

Author Nick: davidchen1
Name: david chen
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but it profited him little

Appraising his prospective widow with an accurate eye, the dying man left a testament bestowing the bulk of his fortune upon his son, with a few heavy income-producing properties for Mrs. Marrineal. Tertius Marrineal was devoted to his mother, with a jealous, pitying, and protective affection. This is popularly approved as the infallible mark of […]

upon whom the years had laid no bonds

“I take you. I can think for myself and make it profitable to others, if I can find the chance. Why, Pop, this editorial game is child’s play!” “You’ve tried it?” “Experimentally. The opportunities are limitless. I could make people read editorials as eagerly as they read scandal or baseball.” “How?” “By making them as […]

One long and pious scold

“And The Messenger I suppose you wouldn’t even call a kept lady. Too common. Babylonian stuff. But The Express is respectable enough for anybody.” “And conscious of it in every issue. One long and pious scold, after a high-minded, bad-tempered formula of its own.” “Then I’ll give you a motto for your Ledger.” Edmonds puffed […]

and yet in some indefinable way

She was beginning to chafe under the sense of restraint. She was being “school-marmed” she thought. No girl likes the ostentatious protection of the big brother or the head mistress. The soul of the schoolgirl yearns to break from the “crocodile” in which she is marched to church and to school, and this sensation of […]

She was sitting at the piano

There followed a description of the wanted man. Jack turned to another part of the paper, and dismissed the paragraph from his mind. His partner, however, was to bring the matter up at lunch. Norwood Asylum was near Dulwich, and Mr. Rennett was pardonably concerned. “The womenfolk at my house are scared to death,” he […]