More About the Author "davidchen1"

Author Nick: davidchen1
Name: david chen
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Rebeca kept on waiting

"Let’s go, Buendía," he told him. "Our time has come." "So that’s what it was," the colonel replied. "I was dreaming that my sores had burst." Rebeca Buendía got up at three in the morning when she learned that Aureliano would be shot. She stayed in the bedroom in the dark, watching the cemetery wall […]

that will be your worry

His efforts to systematize his premonitions were useless. They would come suddenly in a wave of supernatural lucidity, like an absolute and momentaneous conviction, but they could not be grasped. On occasion they were so natural that he identified them as premonitions only after they had been fulfilled. Frequently they were nothing but ordinary bits […]

Then he lay down again with his arms open

"I brought you a revolver," she murmured. Colonel Aureliano Buendía saw that the sentry could not see. "It won’t do me any good," he said in a low voice, "but give it to me in case they search you on the way out." úrsula took the revolver out of her bodice and put it under […]

result in his not being able to go to herfor months

  Certainly, if her welcome had meant what he imagined, shecould not, for the second time within a few weeks, havesubmitted so tamely to the disarrangement of their plans; adisarrangement which–his official duties considered–might,for all she knew, result in his not being able to go to herfor months.   "Please don’t come till thirtieth." The thirtieth–and itwas […]

after some months oftroubled drifting

  There, however, the atmosphere had changed with theconditions. He could not say that she avoided him, or eventhat she was a shade less glad to see him; but she was besetby family duties and, as he thought, a little too readilyresigned to them.   The Marquise de Chantelle, as Darrow soon perceived, had thesame mild formidableness […]