More About the Author "davidchen1"

Author Nick: davidchen1
Name: david chen
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either the usual tribal welcome

  Now he perceived that he knew nothing at all, and that the"Hullo, old Fred!" with which Susy hailed Gillow’s arrival mightbe either the usual tribal welcome–since they were all "old,"and all nicknamed, in their private jargon–or a greeting thatconcealed inscrutable depths of complicity.   Susy was visibly glad to see Gillow; but she was glad ofeverything […]

he said to himself one evening

  "After all," he said to himself one evening, as his eyeswandered, with somewhat of a convalescent’s simple joy, from oneto another of their large confiding faces, "after all, they’vegot a religion …." The phrase struck him, in the moment ofusing it, as indicating a new element in his own state of mind,and as being, in […]

had been based not a trace remained in

  Susy’s independence and self-sufficiency had been among herchief attractions; if she were to turn into an echo theirdelicious duet ran the risk of becoming the dullest ofmonologues. He forgot that five minutes earlier he had resentedher being glad to see their friends, and for a moment he foundhimself leaning dizzily over that insoluble riddle of […]

it is getting bigger and bigger

  Rose was just tearing open his collar and jacket. Dard and Jacinthahad run from the kitchen at the screams. Camille lay on his back,white and motionless.   The doctor was the first to come up. "Who! what is this? I seem toknow his face." Then shaking his head, "Whoever it is, it is a badcase. Stand […]

I would have died for you

  "It is for you to speak, my betrothed: are you married?"The poor creature, true to her nature, was thinking more of him thanherself. Even in her despair it flashed across her, "If he knewall, he too would be wretched for life. If I let him think ill ofme he may be happy one day." She […]