More About the Author "davidchen1"

Author Nick: davidchen1
Name: david chen
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and touched the keys again with a surer hand

"Don’t speak of to-morrow," she said. "Let the music speak to us of to-night, in a happier language than ours." Her lips trembled–a faint sigh fluttered from them, which she tried vainly to suppress. Her fingers wavered on the piano–she struck a false note, confused herself in trying to set it right, and dropped her […]

what have you found out

We got through the dinner, to all outward appearance at least, happily enough. When the ladies had risen from table, and Mr. Gilmore and I were left alone in the dining-room, a new interest presented itself to occupy our attention, and to give me an opportunity of quieting myself by a few minutes of needful […]

that I had some new purpose in view

On my way up to my own room I met Miss Halcombe on the stairs. She saw, by the hurry of my movements and the change in my manner, that I had some new purpose in view, and asked what had happened. I told her the reasons which induced me to think of hastening my […]

but the case itself is, most unhappily

This is all that can be done until Sir Percival comes on Monday. I have no doubt myself that every explanation which can be expected from a gentleman and a man of honour, he will readily give. Sir Percival stands very high, sir–an eminent position, a reputation above suspicion–I feel quite easy about results–quite easy, […]

He was evidently in search of me

The empty silence of the beach struck cold to my heart. I returned to the house and the garden, where traces were left to speak of her at every turn. On the west terrace walk I met Mr. Gilmore. He was evidently in search of me, for he quickened his pace when we caught sight […]