More About the Author "diagenodesa"

Author Nick: diagenodesa
Name: diagenode s.a
About the Author: Diagenode is an international life sciences company that develops and commercializes innovative instruments and reagents systems for life science research and molecular diagnostics.

Articles by diagenodesa :

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A positive sign of human beings to be unsatisfactory always

It has been a positive sign of human beings to be unsatisfactory always. This has paved way for rapid development in all the fields concerned to the human beings. With the proper usage of certain chemicals, the biotechnology arena can also be at a constant bloom and latest developments shows the same. Hydroxymethylation is a […]

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation – Technology advances every day

The world of technology advances every day, with new technologies that make many implications for mankind. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation or ChIP or Chromatin IP is a technique which is used for the investigation of the impact on gene expression due to association between particular genomic regions and proteins such as histones or histone alterations and transcription […]

Effective Tool In Epigenetic

Science is developing at a rapid pace and it is bestowing mankind with a large spectrum offacilities in every possible field. Experiments always lead to innovations and one of the highlyeffective experiments is Chromatin Immunoprecipitation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation is a very effectivetool used for understanding connections amongst particular proteinsor any other modified structureof proteinswithin a set […]

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation

As far as the study of gene expression is concerned, the process of immunoprecipitation has become very popular over the past decade.ChIP assay is actually a dynamic means of evaluating modifications and genetic information regarding patterns of gene expression regulation (influence of so called epigenetic marks, such as Histone modifications, transcription factors or DNA methylation). […]

Top Five Reasons To Automate Your Epigenetics Workflow

The word “automation” may conjure up images of the future, complete with robot butlers and flying cars. The reality is that automation is here now, and it can change your everyday life significantly. In the lab, automated instruments have already impacted how researchers perform common techniques like PCR, nucleic acid purification, and Next Generation Sequencing. […]