More About the Author "diagenodesa"

Author Nick: diagenodesa
Name: diagenode s.a
About the Author: Diagenode is an international life sciences company that develops and commercializes innovative instruments and reagents systems for life science research and molecular diagnostics.

Articles by diagenodesa :

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5-Hydroxymethylcytosine – To switch a gene on or off

The widespread adoption of emerging epigenetics technologies has provided the scientific community with new tools for understanding genetic inheritance phenomena. These advanced tools include kits and equipment for DNA or chromatin shearing, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP, ChIP-Seq), methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP), methyl binding domain (MethylCap, MBD) studies, bisulfite conversion, automation (IP-Star, SX8G Compact), and Next Generation […]

Diagenode – A Pioneer in Epigenetics Research

Biotechnology has revolutionized fields like engineering, medicine, environmental research, and molecular biology. The launch of the Human Genome Project (HGP) in the United States was an important milestone for genetic engineering. The success of HGP has inspired a number of research centers and biotechnology companies worldwide to identify advanced techniques for disease diagnostics, gene analysis, […]

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation – A Method to Analyse Epigenetic Modifications in DNA

The field of biotechnology has increasingly become more wide spread with applications in diverse areas such as agriculture, environmental research and testing, molecular biology, genetic engineering, and clinical health care. Advances in biotechnology contributed to the success of the Human Genome Project which uncovered major findings about the genome by identifying and mapping human genes. […]