More About the Author "divorcelaw"

Author Nick: divorcelaw
Name: Matthew Thor
About the Author: Matthew Thor is a popular family law attorney who has more than 20 years of experience representing husbands, wives and children in divorce and child support matters.

Articles by divorcelaw :

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Finding Child Custody Lawyers Illinois

Sometimes, finding child custody lawyers Illinois can be a tedious task. This is the type of attorney that needs to match up very well with the disposition of their clients in terms of personality, aggressiveness and compassion. There’s a big difference between dealing with something like a personal injury claim and child custody cases. One […]

Child Custody Lawyers Illinois and Experience

Some child custody lawyers Illinois have a tremendous amount of experience and others have very little. It’s hard to argue that experience doesn’t come with some advantages. In fact, it’s not even true to argue that. Experience does provide a certain advantage to an attorney. Child custody lawyers Illinois, however, need more than experience to […]

Child Custody Lawyers Illinois and Deadbeat Parents

Among the cases that child custody lawyers Illinois take are the ones where the parent has been absent for most of the child’s life until suddenly reappearing. In some cases, these long absent parents will suddenly want to have custody of the children that they did nothing to raise. When this happens, the parent that […]

Bad Parents and Hiring Child Custody Lawyers Illinois

There are many parents who every year are put into a situation where their former partner or the other parent of their child comes back from the past seeking custody. In some cases, these other parents are absolutely the worst people to have around children. There are good child custody lawyers Illinois who can help […]

Will a Chicago Divorce Lawyer Help Me?

When you hire a Chicago divorce lawyer, you’re hiring a legal professional who has undergone a great deal of training and who has, presumably, a great deal of experience. As is the case with any other highly trained professional, the fees for the services of Chicago divorce lawyer can be a bit intimidating for some […]