More About the Author "drbrown"

Author Nick: drbrown
Name: Daniel Brown
About the Author: Daniel Brown is the owner of the website, a searchable database of vending machine businesses and suppliers in the UK.

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Types of Vending Machines

As people continue to seek for convenience, more and more technologies are invented. One of these technologies is the vending machine. Vending machines come in different types as they are made for different purposes. 1. Cold and Frozen Vending Machines This cold and frozen vending machine is capable of vending ice cream, pies and other […]

Vending Machines As Your Business

How Vending Machines Work Vending machines provide a simple, quick way to get a snack, beverage and much more. Operating a vending machine is as simple as 1-2-3, even a kid could use one. First step is to insert the money in the slot, it is then read by the machine. Second step is to […]