More About the Author "drybuddy"

Author Nick: drybuddy

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The Real Reasons Bedwetting Alarms Work

Bedwetting alarms are nothing new; they’ve been around for decades and all work in much the same way.  When a sheet that is placed under the child becomes wet, it triggers an alarm that wakes the child.  These alarms are meant to keep the child from urinating completely and wakes up him or her so […]

How a Bedwetting Alarm Can Help Your Child

The thought of a bedwetting alarm may seem somewhat blunt to many adults; an alarm brings to mind the thought of screeching sounds that are meant to startle and scare someone.  This probably isn’t something you want to introduce to your child’s room!  And it’s true that bedwetting is not something for which a child […]

Bed Wetting Alarms

Bed wetting alarms are certainly one of the best solutions of stopping bed wetting in children. The success rate of bed wet alarms is pretty impressive – over 70 percent! Bed wetting is a pretty difficult phase for the child, and the parents of the child who still bed wets; a bed wetting alarm is […]

Bed Wetting Alarm – Top Solution For Bed Wetting In Children

A bed wetting alarm is one of the effective solutions for treating enuresis in children. According to studies, bed wet alarms have been used to successfully help children to stop wetting their beds by over 70 percent. Every child who still wets his or her bed, usually has a great feeling of embarrassment, and parents […]