More About the Author "eastendhearing"

Author Nick: eastendhearing
Name: Lynn O'Bray-Donohue
About the Author: Dr. Lynn O'Bray-Donohue is a N.Y.S Licensed Audiologist and Hearing Aid Dispenser, and has been providing Audiologic Care at East End Hearing since 1987. She has been co-owner of East End Hearing, with her partner Dr. Michael Qualley, since 1991. Dr. O'Bray-Donohue was awarded her Masters degree in Audiology by Adelphi University in Garden City, N.Y. and received her Doctor of Audiology degree from A.T. Still University-Arizona School of Health Sciences.

Articles by eastendhearing :

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Your Hearing Aid Fitting

If you have been evaluated for hearing loss by your hearing healthcare provider, you may have already determined your candidacy for hearing aids. If you have made your ear impressions and ordered your aids, you now just have to wait for them to return from the manufacturer. Typically the wait time is 1.5 to 3 […]

Dizziness and Balance Disorders

Dizziness and balance disorders are common and may be dangerous! If you are experiencing issues with dizziness, lightheadedness, or are just feeling off-balanced, you should contact an audiologist or otolaryngologist (ENT) as soon as possible! Inner ear dysfunction may be to blame. The center for the body’s balance is controlled in combination by the brain, […]