More About the Author "eberones"

Author Nick: eberones
Name: Edgardo Berones
About the Author: Started career as a CSR for Offshoring Companies. Eventually shifted gear to Search Engine Optimization.Also does freelance article writing on the side. Dabbles with his blog and plays erratic guitar in his spare time. Photography is his current obsession but considers himself a film buff more than anything else.

Articles by eberones :

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What You Get From A Car Donation

I will not be discussing to you directly how essential a donation is. Let us instead picture a  scenario of a woman who was battered by her cheating husband repeatedly. She could no longer withstand his brutality that one particular time she ran away. She unexpectedly, found refuge inside a shelter for battered women, and […]

3 Important Tips to Ensue Before You Donate A Car

So you possess an unwanted car  that you would like to donate, but still unsure where you can donate your car? Well there are various places locally as well as across the country that you could donate  your automobile  to  and this also record will take into account  the procedure and where you can donate […]

Get Some Reward Via Charity Donation

Don’t spend valuable time asking yourself why isn’t the world a better place to live in. Thinking about it will only be wasting time. That fact is, you cannot change the world. But you can change yourself. The question to ask therefore is this: “How can I make the world a better place to live […]

Happiness Through Car Donation

There is no sure way to inner happiness and contentment no matter how successful you are. Happiness really comes from within. Happiness is felt when you share your love with family and friends. It is felt when you share with others. This may sound so absurd, but it is true: happiness is a two way […]

Helping The Needy Through Car Donation

The present economic condition is really very alarming. There is continuous growth of bad economy : debt problems, homeless family rate growing continuously, and unemployment. Unfortunately,it seems that  we still lack unity in this tough times when we should all stand up and be counted to help. One of the most common problem that we […]